Donna Daacke

Donna Daacke
Donna Daacke Pro Skincare and Makeup Artist

About Me

York, Pa., United States
Let me start by saying that, I am 49 years young. Age, in this world of all things young is really just a number. Having said that however, the truth is that as we age we find ourselves seeking that perpetual fountain of youth. I believe it exist somewhere inside of us all. My passion is helping others discover their fountain and the many ways to let it flow. I am a practicing, licensed estheticain {skincare therapist} and makeup artist. In the world of beauty and all of it's products and claims I want to help you simplify. Think about throwing out the idea of antiaging because, if we are blessed to live long enough we will age. Rather, embrace the truth that we can be healthy and age beautifully. I want to share with you the many ways within my field to do just that. Together, we will explore how to look and feel what is realistic because "Beauty Happens" at every age.

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Prom and Special Event Makeup Tips.


With prom season in full steam ahead it seems there are so many decisions to be made. Will I go with a date or not? And then the dress, oh the dress! What dress to wear? Will I wear heels or flats now that will depend on my date? Should I wear my hair up or down? Finally when it comes  to makeup you want to compliment the entire theme that you have now created. I have put together some easy to follow makeup tips for prom or any specially occasion.

Tip#1.   It might not be a bad idea to practice a couple of looks a head of time to see which is your favorite.  I think the most important feature should be creating a flawless complexion without over doing your makeup and looking like a pancake face. Choose a foundation that matches along your jaw line. If you need help choosing the right color, see a professional ahead of time. Most young faces are already beautiful so apply foundation lightly in the areas that are pink or flawed.
Use concealer that matches your foundation and blend, blend, blend to minimize breakouts. Then loosely  powder to set it all for staying power.  Make certain to use the same concealer blending well on any flaws on the neck and chest area. For blush you want  to look as though you were blushing naturally. Smile as big as you can and apply blush to the apples of your cheeks. Choose a blush color that compliments your lip color.

Tip#2.  Choose your best feature whether it be your eyes or lips but, choose only one. Pinks and reds are big and bold and are beautiful for spring. If you highlight the lips line them first with a pencil that matches your lip color. If you choose to highlight the eyes go easy on the lips with a soft neutral shade or simple gloss. Choosing to feature your eyes can be lots of fun. You can do a smokey eye maybe even lashes that aren’t too crazy.  Remember to groom your brows ahead of time and fill in any gaps with a brow powder or pencil as this really frames your eyes. Apply a shadow base to your lids to minimize creasing and it provides a canvas for the true color of your shadow. Choose shadow colors that compliment your eyes first then add a splash of fun with a bit of color that maybe matches your dress. Choose liner and mascara that are smear proof or water proof.

Tip#3  Carry in your bag the following for quick touch ups throughout the evening especially before photos. Bring along a small mirror, blotting papers or tissue, your lip products and don’t forget the breath mints.  Check also for any smudgy eyes especially if you’re dancing and sweating a bit. Most importantly, remember to have a blast and feel like the beauty that you are.     

Be Happy In Your Skin,

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

"The Short Of It" Where did my lashes and brows go?

One of the things I that I hear most often from my clients is, “I hate that my lashes and brows are disappearing” The truth is, that like everything else as we age the hair on our entire body does change.  Unfortunately, that is all predetermined in our genetics. However, when have we ever allowed little old genetics determine our beauty?   

There are so many eyelash/brow growth products now on the market that it can be a bit overwhelming understanding what they claim and, do they do what they claim? To begin to understand their claims it helps to understand that we are born with a certain number of hair follicles. There isn’t a product anywhere that will create new ones. The follicles that we where genetically blessed with have three phases of growth that continues throughout our lifetime. “The growth phase”, “the intermediate phase” or (resting phase) and, “the shedding phase” (where we would tweeze or it falls out.) As we age certain follicles enter into a resting phase and others enter into a growth phase. This is why you will see hair shift from your brow to perhaps your lip or chin.  
The growth cycle of lashes/brows takes on average 4 to 6 weeks to go from growth phase to shedding phase.

Eyelashes/brows like other hair on the body need to be conditioned regularly in order to stay and appear healthy. Of the at least ten OTC growth products that I looked at, they all seem to have primarily conditioning ingredients as their active ingredients. The active ingredients listed were things like pro-vitamin B5 and humectants. If lashes are properly conditioned the breakage will be less frequent. The key process occurring here isn’t actually getting those follicles to grow hair it is keeping the hair longer therefore, creating a fuller, longer look.  Latisse, a prescription one also contained those conditioning ingredients with the addition of a prescription ingredient called bimatoprost sometimes seen labeled as lumigan. This ingredient claims to be the secret weapon. It is a protein molecule when first used to treat glaucoma was accidently discovered to grow lashes. It allows your lashes to stay in the intermediate phase longer and it is this ingredient that you will need a prescription for. I will say, make certain that you read the list of potential side effects and costumer reviews for Latisse. However if you are considering a lash/brow growth enhancer take a good look at the active ingredient list of all the OTC products. They are more recently containing protein molecules as well as the conditioners.   Latisse, along with OTC products on average a cost 100. and up but, you can find price specials on line for the OTC products. You must continue to use them to see and keep getting results.

Overall, If this all seems a bit overwhelming and you’re a little cautious about anything that requires a twice daily use to your eyes and only works while your using it, than look for ways to preserve and enhance what you have. I highly recommend using a good conditioning mascara, one that is not waterproof. Waterproof mascara does take out lashes. Use a water resistant one the will reconstitute itself if you tear up as long as you don’t rub it. Remember it’s about keeping that lash in the intermediate phase for as long as possible.  Water resistant mascara will come off easier preserving your lashes longer.  Sorme’s Extreme Volume is my favorite. Use a gentle eye maker remover that conditions and is not harsh. A good one will add moisture to your lash extending its life by keeping it suppler and not brittle. Eyeliners were designed to enhance the lash line, so, consider using a liner.  Everyone enhances their brows these days. Don’t be afraid of using cosmetics to do so. Use the money to learn proper enhancement technique and invest in good products. You will be way further ahead financially.

Check out my upcoming class at Simplicity
“The Eyes Have It” Eye Makeup Class
At Simplicity Studio Spa with Donna Daacke
Thursday February 9th @ 6:30

Happy new year to everyone and,
Be happy in your skin,

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

"Galvanize Me" Key Benefits of Galvanic Facial Therapy


Galvanic, facial therapy is considered to be a complete skin reconditioning system and offers benefits for all skin types. It can be used to:

*Heal acne scars
*Eliminate fine lines
*Reduce or eliminate wrinkles
*Get rid of superficial scars
*Buff and tone up the skin
*Reduce puffy eye bags or the appearance of dark circles
*Tighten up loose skin
*Even out the skin tone

What is galvanic facial therapy and how does it work?

Galvanic is based on the universal laws of attraction. For example, negative attracts positive and vice versa similar to a magnetic response.  A galvanic hand piece is used to direct a galvanic current directly into the skin. These positive and negative ions act like a magnet on top of the skin’s surface, and will slowly push the product lying on the skin’s surface into the deeper layers of the skin. Galvanic uses very low-frequency impulses so there is no risk of burning or electric shock.
The electricity triggers cellular turnover so that any damaged tissues can repair and heal quickly. Even though the procedure does not injure the tissues, it does “trick” the cells so that they begin to undergo the healing process. Galvanic facial treatments have a proven track record in Europe and have been used for decades as an anti-aging solution. The treatment stimulates deep under the skin’s surface, so the treated area will not be aggravated in any way. The skin can then absorb the treatment within seconds and the electrical energy also firms up, tones and tightens the skin during a session. Most sessions are combined with a full facial treatment.

You will find some galvanic options on my menu at Simplicity. See my Anti-Aging Facial and the Calming Facial at

Other options are individual hand held spa units which allow you the opportunity to provide your own treatment more frequently at home. Visit: or email Anna Dale with Nuskin at

As Thanksgiving approaches and yet another year about to end I want to thank all of you so much for your love and support throughout this 2011.
My heart is full of gratitude to God, family, and friends. I wish you all a very happy, healthy, and delicious Thanksgiving !!! 

Be happy in your skin,

Monday, September 19, 2011

Seniors, It's Your Time To Shine

Fall brings the start of yet another school year. And with each new grade we acquire the ever entertaining school picture. Photos that depict our evolutionary juvenile progress. The photo with the bangs that our mom’s cut crooked, oh the many different hairstyles! How about the teeth as they fell out and then required the braces? And, who didn’t struggle with adolescent acne and the big zit that hit just in time for picture day?  Let’s face it, our school years wouldn’t have been remembered in at all the same way if we didn’t catalog those years. With that said, most of us later, genuinely do appreciate that our parents found our school pictures invaluable.

Before we know it, twelve years and many memories later we find ourselves in our final year of high school as young adults, visiting colleges, preparing with what will be the next big phase of life.  There will be other photographs, and new memories created but none that will quite mark the end of an era like our senior photos do.Your senior photo is really your time to shine. These photographs are the opportunity to commemorate and celebrate your achievements.

I know that we all want senior photos that we can look back on and smile, and because parents will invest a significant amount more for these school pictures, I have asked my best friend professional photographer Tana Urizar from Tana Photography to contribute to this blog post. I think she has an incredible eye and does an amazing job. She has photographed my children forever and shot my daughter Nicole’s senior photos and we love them. She gives some really great professional suggestions for helping you have a good experience and getting the best results with your photo session. I hope that you will find her piece helpful.  

To all of those little people that I have watched grow into lovely young adults, I wish you so much happiness in life and the very best senior year ever.

Be happy in your skin,
Senior Photo Homework Assignment

Your senior photo session will be an important part of your final year in high school. It may be one of those few times in life when a professional photo session is all about YOU! To make it one of the best experiences, it’s important to put some thought into how you’ll look and what to wear.

Begin with some prep work and search in magazines and online for “looks” that you’re drawn to, styles that look like you and fit your personality. Select hair, makeup and outfits that are a bit more special, making you feel great and giving you confidence.
It takes research to find something that’s more than just “every day” but not going too far out in left field, where you feel the style just isn’t you.

If you’re a young woman, makeup is an important part of your senior photos. Extra emphasis on the eyes will give your portrait more impact, since eyes are often the first detail a viewer looks at in a photo. A little extra liner and mascara, which may be too much on a regular day, will actually help keep your images from looking “flat”.
Photo sessions are one of those times when professional makeup application can be really helpful. Look for a makeup artist who understands what you’re wanting, offers helpful suggestions and is someone you trust. Check beforehand on their fees or what their minimum purchase is.

Your clothes are another important part of your session, making the difference between “I look great” and “not much effort.”  Give yourself at least two outfit options, maybe three: casual top and jeans, skirt or semi-casual outfit with dress shirt or sweater, and maybe a dress for girls and for guys, dress pants paired with a dress shirt. Add some interest to your look with statement jewelry, personal accessories and the latest footwear. Avoid tennis shoes, logos, and bright or overpowering colors. Remember to go for a cohesive look that feels special.

Definitely put in some research time when selecting your photographer. Look at local websites and blogs, ask your friends whom they suggest and see whose style fits your personality best. Don’t be intimidated to call and ask a photographer the questions that are important to you. They’re use to answering client questions every day over the phone and email. It’s one of the ways to find out if their vision fits yours. Your photographer may either suggest locations or may ask you about places that are important to you. If there’s a location that you’d love to include, your photographer may want to check it out first for lighting and opportunities.

Your senior photo session will be exciting and fun- and it’ll definitely go by fast. So, get some sleep the night before, do your pre-session homework and you’ll feel and look your best!


Saturday, August 20, 2011

Follow up to the truth in aging

Hi Friends,

Well, it's great to see that some of you are reading my blog post, thank you for that! I had a few readers ask if there's a product that I would recommend based on the information in the last posting?
We all  know as with most things not one suits all. We are all seeking to improve various things and we have different skin types and conditions. So to choose one anti-aging or wrinkle cream, I really wanted one that would suit most everyone. I think Bioelements Sleepwear is just that. You may already know that as we sleep our entire body is working to heal and restore itself. Our skin, being the bodies largest organ is no exception. Our bodies temperature is raised slightly as we sleep and the conditions are just right to receive good healthy, effective ingredients to work hard.  I can tell you from personal experience that myself along with every client that's ever tried it, loves sleepwear. The other reason I really recommend this product is that it comes in a formula for every skin type. There is the regular sleepwear for all skin types other than oily. For my oilier clients they have an oil control formula. So it's perfect for everyone. Because Bioelements is a custom blended line another wonderful thing is that it can have additional ingredients added to suit your specific skin's issues.  However, you will only find it in professional skincare locations. But, the price point is good and another reason I like it for my clients. It's priced at $62. and should last you about 4 months.  If anyone is interested in trying this product let me know and I will offer you an introductory price of $ 45. just because I think you will love it!

Be happy in your skin,

A much-coveted overnight creme containing a scientific "dream team" complex of topical calcium, time-released retinol, cranberry seed oil and protein peptides.  Works all night long to revitalize firming collagen and elastin, replenish antioxidants, improve moisture retention and strengthen the skin's protective barrier layer.



CRANBERRY SEED OIL: Protecting, elasticity-promoting

RETINOL: Smoothes, regenerates

PROTEIN PEPTIDES: Helps stimulate collagen

TOCOPHEROL: Vitamin E – moisturizing

BERGAMOT OIL: Antiseptic

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Truth In Aging

Hi Friends,
I want to share with you one of my favorite sites for product information and honest consumer truth about personal beauty and beauty products. Below I have listed the link for you. Explore the site, I think you'll find it very interesting and informative. One recent article that I have listed for you below rates Consumer Reports
wrinkle creams that don't work. Something to keep in mind when choosing a wrinkle cream. A product is  going to be more effective if it is properly delivered into the skin. I have never believed that because you pay a lot of money for a product means that it necessarily works better. But, what I do know is that in order to deliver better ingredients into our skin (rather than it just laying on the surface) we do have to pay for the technology in a product that provides that delivery system. Look for words like serums, liposomes, ceramides, and peptides they work as vehicles delivering (good) ingredients into the deeper layers of skin.  So, paying for a product if it's doing the job is a little more money well spent.  See article below

Be happy in your skin,

The September issue of Consumer Reports has a round up of wrinkle creams that don’t work.  After testing beauty brands that included Aveeno, ROC and L’Oreal, on had 79 people for 12 weeks, CR pronounced them all failures in the anti-aging department with Garnier performing “slightly better than the rest”.  Talk about a frenzied attack on a straw man. You don’t have to test these to know that they don’t work, you just have to look at the ingredients.
Consumer Reports doesn’t say how it went about selecting the products in the test, but what struck me is how similar they are – as well as being uniformly absolutely awful. Some of them are so awful that I hope the testers got danger money. Even the winning Garnier Nutrioniste Ultra Lift Anti-Wrinkle Firming Moisturizer ($16) is stuffed full of irritants (like triethanolamine, which is frighteningly high up on the ingredients list, toxins (such as octinoxate, a sunscreen active that should not be used by pregnant women) and fillers (eg the stabilizer, polyacryloyldimethyl taurate).
The CVS contender is so bad, it’s almost funny – CVS Firming Anti-wrinkle Moisturizer ($12) seems to have tried to clone the winning Garnier but perversely left out anything that might remotely make it worth using  -  which is basically a smidge of argan oil.  The only thing that  could remotely be considered an active in the CVS is soy protein. I imagine that CVS considers retinyl palmitate to be a positive, but since it has been linked to cancer in sunscreens, I do not.
One of the more expensive products to be tested by Consumer Reports was Aveeno Active Naturals Ageless Vitality Elasticity Recharging System ($40). Its much-touted botanicals – blackberry leaf and dill, which are, by the way, the only things worth a tout – make a sadly token appearance at very end of the ingredients list.  And its “biomineral concentrate” is just silly – a mix of silicones with zinc and copper powder (not to be confused with copper peptide). There’s a spot of vitamin E, but otherwise this is basically an over-priced sunscreen and one that might give you cancer rather than prevent it. Several of its sunscreen actives are unstable and oxybenzone is a photocarcinogen, it has demonstrated an increase in the production of harmful free radicals and an ability to attack DNA cells; for this reason, it is believed to be a contributing factor in the recent rise of melanoma cases with sunscreen users. Some studies have shown it to behave similarly to the hormone estrogen, suggesting that it may cause breast cancer. It has also been linked to contact eczema.
The most shocking is the pricey Lancome Renergie Double Performance Treatment Anti-Wrinkle Firming ($80). The next time anyone says that my Five Best anti-aging serums are expensive, I am going to close my eyes and think of this. It is the world’s most expensive petroleum jelly – the fourth ingredient after highly sought after water and silicone.  What you are ostensibly paying for is hydroxyproline, a component of collagen – however, the body makes its own and a deficiency only happens if you are deficient in vitamin C (source), and anti-inflammatory butcher’s broom.
For those aren’t already too depressed, the rest of the rest in the Consumer Reports test were: Equate (Walmart) Advanced Firming Anti-Wrinkle Face & Neck Cream ($8), L’Oreal Revitalift Face & Neck Day Cream ($17), ROC Multi-Correction 4-Zone Daily Moisturizer ($19).
Ingredients in Garnier: Active Ingredients: Ensulizole 1.7%, Octinoxate 7.5%. Inactive Ingredients: Water, Dimethicone, Glycerin, Myristyl Myristate, Stearic Acid, Triethanolamine, Palmitic Acid, Ammonium Polyacryloyldimethyl Taurate, Titanium Dioxide, PEG-100 Stearate, Glyceryl Stearate, Acrylates Copolymer, Alumina, Argania Spinosa Kernel Extract†, Beeswax, Benzyl Alcohol, Capryloyl Salicylic Acid, Caprylyl Glycol, Carbomer, Cetyl Alcohol, Citral, Coperinicia Cerifera (Carnauba) Wax, Disodium EDTA, Ethylparaben, Hydrolyzed Rice Protein, Linalool, Methylparaben, PEG-20 Stearate, Phenoxyethanol, Retinyl Linoleate, Sodium Cocoyl Glutamate, Stearyl Alcohol, Tocopherol, Zingiber Officinale (Ginger) Root Extract, Fragrance.
Ingredients in CVS: Active Ingredients: Ensulizole (1.7%), Octinoxate (7.5%). Inactive Ingredients: Water (Aqua), Cyclopentasiloxane, Glycerine, Myristyl Myristate, Stearic Acid, Triethanolamine, Palmitic Acid, Titanium Dioxide, Phenylbenzimidazole Sulfonic Acid, PEG-100 Stearate, Beeswax, PEG-20 Stearate, Hydroxyethyl Acrylate/Sodium Acryloyl Dimethyl Taurate Copolymer, Stearyl Alcohol, Cetearyl Alcohol, Glycine Soja (Soybean) Protein, Caprylic/Capric Triglyceride, Retinyl Palmitate, BHT, Tricaprylin, Polymethyl Methacrylate, Crithmum Maritimum Extract, Myristoyl Alcohol, Phenoxyethanol, Diazolidinyl Urea, Methylparaben, Butylparaben, Chlorphenesin, Sodium Dehydroacetate, Fragrance, Ethylhexyl Methoxycinnamate.
Ingredients in Aveeno Revitalizing Day Moisturizer SPF 30:  Active Ingredients:  Avobenzone (3%, Sunscreen), Homosalate (12%, Sunscreen), Octisalate (5%, Sunscreen), Octocrylene (1.7%, Sunscreen), Oxybenzone (3%, Sunscreen). Inactive Ingredients: Water, PPG-3 Myristyl Ether Neoheptanoate, Phenyl Trimethicone, Hexylene Glycol, Butylene Glycol, Silica, PEG-100 Stearate, Glyceryl Stearate, Maltodextrin, Hydrogenated Palm Kernel Glycerides, Cetearyl Alcohol, Glycerin, Hydroxyethyl Acrylate / Sodium Acryloyldimethyl Taurate Copolymer, Caprylyl Glycol, Isohexadecane, Bisabolol, Fragrance, Polysorbate 20, Disodium EDTA, Cetyl Hydroxyethylcellulose, Cetearyl Glucoside, Urea Sodium PCA, Magnesium Aluminum Silicate, Tocopheryl Acetate, Polysorbate 60, Xanthan Gum, Hydrogenated Palm Glycerides, Rubus Fruticosus (Blackberry) Leaf Extract, Peucedanum Graveolens (Dill) Extract, Polyquaternium-51, Trehalose, Sodium Hyaluronate, Methylisothiazolinone, Mica, Titanium Dioxide. Biomineral Concentrate:  Cyclopentasiloxane, Dimethicone, Trisiloxane, Silica, Zinc, Divinyldimethicone / Dimethicone Crosspolymer, Tocopheryl Acetate, Copper Powder
Ingredients in Lancome: Water/Aqua, Hydrogenated Polyisobutene, Cyclopentasiloxane, Petrolatum, Cetyl Alcohol, Glycerin, Glyceryl Stearate SE, PEG-40 Stearate, Myristyl Myristate, Hydroxyproline, Zea Mays Kernel Extract/Zea Mays, Tocopheryl Acetate, Sodium Hydroxide, Stearic Acid, Caffeine, Ethylhexyl Methoxycinnamate, Chlorhexidine Digluconate, Sorbitan Tristearate, Disodium EDTA, Ruscus Aculeatus Root Extract/Ruscus Aculeatus, Methylsilanol Mannuronate, Soybean Protein/Glycine Soja, Palmitic Acid, Ethylparaben, Propylparaben, Isobutylparaben, Methylparaben, Butylparaben, Fragrance/Parfum, Blue 1/CI 42090, Yellow 5/CI 19140, Red 4/CI 14700, B5949/2
Ingredients in L”Oreal: Water (Aqua), Cyclopentasiloxane, Glycerin, Mineral Oil (Paraffinum Liquidum), Myristyl Myristate, Shorea Robusta Seed Butter, Stearic Acid, Palmitic Acid, PEG 100 Stearate, Cera Alba (Beeswax), Glyceryl Stearate, PEG 20 Stearate, Acrylamide Sodium Acryloyldimethyltaurate Acrylic Acid Copolymer, Stearyl Alcohol, Cetearyl Alcohol, Isohexadecane, Glycine Soja (Soybean) Protein, Capric/Caprylic Stearic Triglyceride, Acrylates Crosspolymer, Triethanolamine, Polysorbate 80, Acetyl Trifluoromethylphenyl Valylglycine, Retinyl Acetate (Vitamin A), Polycaprolactone, Crithmum Maritimum (Crithmum Maritimum Extract), Methylparaben, Diazolidinyl Urea, Butylparaben, Chlorphenesin, Sodium Dehydroacetate, Fragrance, Benzyl Salicylate, Benzyl Benzoate, Linalool, Hexylcinnamal, Limonene, Citronellol, Butylphenyl Methlyproprional, Geraniol, Alpha Isomethyl Ionone, Benzyl Alcohol, Amyl Cinnamal
Ingredients in ROC: Active Ingredients: Avobenzone (3%), Homosalate (8%), Octisalate (4%), Octocrylene (3%) Inactive Ingredients: Ascorbic Acid (Vitamin C), Ascorbyl Glucoside, Behenyl Alcohol, BHT, Bisabolol (L-Alpha), Butylene Glycol, Butyrospermum Parkii (Shea Butter) (Shea Butter), C30 38 Olefin/Isopropyl Maleate/MA Copolymer, Caprylyl Glycol, Carbomer, Copper Gluconate, Cyclopentasiloxane, Dimethicone, Dimethicone Crosspolymer, Disodium EDTA, Ethylparaben, Fragrance, Glycerin, Hydroxyethyl Acrylate/Sodium Acryloyldimethyl Taurate Copolyme, Isononyl Isononanoate, Laureth 23, Laureth 4, Magnesium Aspartate, Methylparaben, Mica, Phenoxyethanol, Polysorbate 20, Polysorbate 60, Propylparaben, Retinal, Sodium Hydroxide, Squalane, Steareth 2, Steareth 21, Styrene Acrylates Copolymer, Titanium Dioxide, Tocopherol (Natural Vitamin E), Water, Zinc Gluconate

Monday, July 11, 2011

Melanoma Mayhem

If you have ever been to see an Esthetician for skincare of any kind one of the questions you’ll hear asked, is do you wear an SPF?  As a skincare provider it has been drilled into our heads throughout our education and continues into the field with the emphasis on the damaging effects of sun exposure in everything we do. So it is in our fiber and you’ll hear us continually reminding our clients, family, and friends. With each generation we have the responsibility of educating young people on how to limit tanning because of the melanoma/skin cancer link.

There are several misconceptions about cancer and sun exposure and then there’s the truth. Teens believe that skin cancer only happens to people over 40. Did you know that melanoma is the No. 1 cause of cancer death among 15-20 year olds? Do you think tanned skin looks healthier than pale skin? Tanned skin is actually an indicator that the skin has been damaged, so there is no safe tan. Another myth is that tanning beds are safer than the sun. Tanning beds can expose the skin to four times the UVA and two times the UVB rays. People are unable to feel the UVA rays on their skin but, they contribute the most to skin aging and skin cancers. A big one we hear more often now days is that, wearing sunscreens will cause vitamin D deficiency. Humans only need 20 minutes of noontime sun exposure to make about 1000 IU’s of vitamin D. Vitamin D supplements have been found to be as effective as sun exposure and the body doesn't know the difference. Damaging rays are present from sun up to sun down year-round, so yes we should be protecting ourselves even on cloudy days.

Don’t be fooled, skin cancer caused by cumulative sun exposure comes in three different distinct forms, varying in severity. Basal cell carcinoma is the most common and the least severe. Next is squamous cell and is a more serious condition. Malignant Melanoma is the most serious form of skin cancer and not always found on areas exposed to sunlight. Recognize the signs and symptoms or ABCD’s of melanoma. Look for changes in the skin, especially the size and color of moles. Be aware of scaliness, oozing, bleeding, or changes in the appearance of a bump or nodule. Watch for spreading of pigmentation beyond a moles border along with changes in sensation, itchiness, tenderness, or pain. Melanomas on young people are found more on the trunk of the body, rather than on the head or neck as on elderly people. The incident of melanomas on lower legs of females is significant.

SPF stands for sun protection factor. UVA rays are shorter rays absorbed by the outer most layer of skin that cause tanning. UVB rays are longer and can penetrate into the deeper dermal layer burning the skin. Look for SPF that is a broad or full spectrum of coverage protecting from both UVA and UVB. With the higher SPF, the concentration of ingredients is higher. Some self tanners have SPF in them as well.
I recommend a SPF of at least a 30 containing antioxidants as an anti-inflammatory agent to repair and strengthen the skins protection barrier. Aveeno has a spray spf  of 85 love the spray on application. Loreal, has a self tanner with an 15 SPF both can be found at Ulta

As a skincare professional I feel it my obligation to seize the opportunity to educate younger people especially, about the importance of protecting their beautiful young skin daily. The attitude is shifting that paler skin is the real look of beauty rather than tanned leathery skin. Protect what you have so you don’t have to correct it later. Millions of dollars are spent each year repairing the damage over exposure to the sun has created. Spend your money now on beautiful hats, sunglasses and self tanners with SPF. Enjoy the sun each day safely.

                        Be happy in your skin, Donna